Добавяне на интерфейс в NAT netsh routing ip nat> Usage: add interface [name=] [[mode=]full|addressonly|private] Parameters: Tag Value name - the name of the interface. (името на интефейса от Network and Dial-up connections) mode - One of the following values: full: Enables full mode. (променя source адреса и порта) addressonly: Enables address-only mode. (променя само source адреса) private: Enables private mode. Remarks: Configures network address translation (NAT) on the specified interface. Examples: add interface "Local Area Connection" full -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Изтриване на интерфейс в NAT netsh routing ip nat> Usage: delete interface [name=] Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface for which you want to remove the use of network address translation (NAT). Remarks: Removes NAT from the specified interface. Examples: delete interface "Local Area Connection" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Добавяне на PORTMAPPING netsh routing ip nat> Usage: add portmapping [name=] [proto=]tcp|udp [publicip=]| [publicport=]integer [privateip=] [privateport=]integer Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface for which you want to add a port mapping to be enabled for use with NAT. proto - One of the following values: tcp: Sets protocol type to TCP. udp: Sets protocol type to UDP. publicip - Either a specified external IP address on the public network or to indicate any IP address not specified within the private network address range. publicport - A number from 0 to 9999 for the public protocol port. privateip - An IP address within the private network range. publicport - A number from 0 to 9999 for the private protocol port. Remarks: Adds a protocol port mapping on the NAT interface. Examples: add portmapping Internet tcp 80 80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Изтриване на PORTMAPPING netsh routing ip nat> Usage: delete portmapping [name=] [proto=]tcp|udp [publicip=]| [publicport=]integer Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface from which you want to delete a NAT port mapping. proto - One of the following values: tcp: Sets protocol type to TCP. udp: Sets protocol type to UDP. publicip - Either a specified external IP address on the public network or to indicate any IP address not specified within the private network address range. publicport - A number from 0 to 9999 for the public protocol port. Remarks: Deletes a protocol port mapping from the specified NAT interface. Examples: delete portmapping local tcp 80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Добавяне на ADDRESSRANGE netsh routing ip nat> Usage: add addressrange [name=] [start=] [end=] [mask=] Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface where network address translation is to be used. start - The starting IP address for the address range. end - The ending IP address for the address range. mask - The IP subnet mask associated with the network range bounded by the start and end IP addresses. Remarks: Adds an IP address range to the network address translation (NAT) address pool. Examples: add addressrange "Local Area Connection" The example command adds an address range to the NAT address pool, with addresses to, and a mask of -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Изтриване на ADDRESSRANGE netsh routing ip nat> Usage: delete addressrange [name=] [start=] Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface for which you want to delete an address range. start - The starting IP address of the range being deleted. Remarks: Deletes an address range from the NAT interface address pool. Examples: delete addressrange "Local Area Connection" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Добавяне на ADDRESSMAPPING netsh routing ip nat> Usage: add addressmapping [name=] [public=] [private=] [inboundsessions=]enable|disable Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface where network address translation is to be used. public - The IP address used externally on a public network. private - The IP address contained within the pooled range of addresses available for use on the private network. inboundsessions - One of the following values: enable: Enables inbound sessions. disable: Disables inbound sessions. Remarks: Adds an IP address mapping to the network address translation (NAT) address pool. Examples: add addressmapping "Local Area Connection" disable The example command adds an address mapping of a public IP address ( to an IP address within the private range ( and disables inbound sessions for this NAT table mapping. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Изтриване на ADDRESSMAPPING netsh routing ip nat> Usage: delete addressmapping [name=] [public=] Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface for which you want to delete an address mapping. public - The IP address used on the public network. Remarks: Deletes an address mapping from the NAT interface address pool. Examples: delete addressmapping "Local Area Connection" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Добавяне на PORTPROXY Първо се инсталира IPv6. netsh interface ipv6> install След това: netsh interface portproxy> Usage: add v4tov4 [listenport=]| [connectaddress=]| [[connectport=]|] [[listenaddress=]|] [[protocol=]tcp] Parameters: Tag Value listenport - IPv4 port on which to listen. connectaddress - IPv4 address to which to connect. connectport - IPv4 port to which to connect. listenaddress - IPv4 address on which to listen. protocol - Protocol to use. Currently only TCP is supported. Remarks: Adds an entry to listen on for IPv4 and proxy connect to via IPv4. Портове на NIT: Listen on IPv4: Connect to IPv4: Address Port Address Port --------------- ---------- --------------- ---------- 28080 28080 28081 1521 28082 5800 28083 21 28090 28090 28091 28091 28092 28092 28093 28093 5900 5900 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Изтриване на PORIPROXY netsh interface portproxy> Usage: delete v4tov4 [listenport=]| [[listenaddress=]|] [[protocol=]tcp] Parameters: Tag Value listenport - IPv4 port on which to listen. listenaddress - IPv4 address on which to listen. protocol - Protocol to use. Currently only TCP is supported. Remarks: Deletes an entry to listen on for IPv4 and proxy connect to via IPv4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Добавяне на IP FILTER netsh routing ip> Usage: add filter [name=] [filtertype=]{INPUT|OUTPUT|DIAL} [srcaddr=] [srcmask=] [dstaddr=] [dstmask=] { [proto=] ANY | [proto=]{TCP|UDP} [srcport=] [dstport=]| [proto=] ICMP [type=] [code=] } Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface where the filter is to be added. filtertype - One of the following values: input: If the filter being modified filters input output: If the filter being modified filters output dial: If the filter being modified filters a dial-up interface being connected srcaddr - Source address field of the packet to be filtered. srcmask - Source address mask of the packet to be filtered. An address and mask of all 0's means ANY. dstaddr - Destination address field of packet to be filtered. dstmask - Destination address mask of packet to be filtered. proto - The protocol type for the packet to be filtered. srcport - The source port field of the packet to be filtered. A value of 0 means ANY. dstport - The destination port field of packet to filtered. A value of 0 means ANY. type - The ICMP type field of the packet to be filtered. code - The ICMP code field of the packet to be filtered. Remarks: Adds a packet filter to the specified interface. Examples: add filter name="Virtual Private Connection" filtertype=input srcaddr= srcmask= dstaddr= dstmask= proto=any add filter "Virtual Private Connection" input any Потенциално опасни портове на Windows: TCP/UDP 135-139,445 ; TCP 1025,1029 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Изтриване на IP FILTER netsh routing ip> Usage: delete filter [name=] [filtertype=]{INPUT|OUTPUT|DIAL} [srcaddr=] [srcmask=] [dstaddr=] [dstmask=] {[proto=]ANY | [proto=]{TCP|UDP} [srcport=] [dstport=] | [proto=]ICMP [type=] [code=] } Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface where filter is deleted. filtertype - One of the following values: input: If the filter being modified filters input output: If the filter being modified filters output dial: If the filter being modified filters a dial-up interface being connected srcaddr - Source address field of the packet to be filtered. srcmask - Source address mask of the packet to be filtered. An address and mask of all 0's means ANY. dstaddr - Destination address field of packet to be filtered. dstmask - Destination address mask of packet to be filtered. proto - The protocol type for the packet to be filtered. srcport - The source port field of the packet to be filtered. A value of 0 means ANY. dstport - The destination port field of packet to filtered. A value of 0 means ANY. type - The ICMP type field of the packet to be filtered. code - The ICMP code field of the packet to be filtered. Remarks: Deletes a packet filter from the specified interface. Examples: delete filter name="Virtual Private Connection" filtertype=input srcaddr= srcmask= dstaddr= dstmask= proto=any delete filter "Virtual Private Connection" input any -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Запомняне конфигурацията за NAT във файл netsh -c routing ip nat dump > nat.scr Зареждане конфигурацията за NAT от файл netsh -f nat.scr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Разрешаване на IP routing-а HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters и там трябва да има (ако няма създавате) Value Name: IPEnableRouter Value type: REG_DWORD Value Data: 1 (Default: 0) На "Value Data" задължително 1 !! - така се разрешава IP routing-а. Излизате и ЗАДЪЛЖИТЕЛНО Рестарт !